Camping / Climbing

Rock Climbing in Rumney, New Hampshire

One of our biggest events on this cross-country trip was to attend the annual family reunion in Hunter, New York at the end of July in 2016. When we left our house in California in late June, we only made a plan to visit Grand Tetons NP, Rocky Mountain NP and Red River Gorge in Kentucky. Even after arriving our last planned destination in Kentucky, we were still not sure where to go next. While we were climbing in Red River Gorge, we met a hard core couple working on a tough climbing project. They told us that there is a sport climbing spot called “Rumney” in New Hampshire and this place is “wicked cool!”. We had a fun chat with them and were “psyched” to send more projects, so we took their advice and decided to check it out!



On our way to get to there, we visited one of Mr. R’s sisters in Ohio and celebrated her birthday together. We also made a detour to Niagara Falls(the article’s here).

Rumney is a sleepy little town with population of less than 1,500. There is a restaurant, a café, some fast-food shops and a supermarket. The one thing that really scared me was the wild bears hanging around the town. One day we saw a bear scavenging on a dumpster outside the restaurant and Mr. R decided to report that to the staff inside. I was waiting for him in our car alone and scared and holding 2 big bear spray cans ready to deploy. But the staff’s response was….”Yeah, we know her, she is always around. Don’t worry she won’t do anything to you”. Yes, she was right, the bear didn’t bother us at least while we were there. but seriously…? Can you live with bears just like that??


Mama bear with 3 cubs playing on the grass, just 50 yard away from a road.

As for climbing, Rumney has around 1,000 routes(5.6 – 5.14+) mainly sport but there are trad and bouldering routes as well. This place is popular with climbers from Montreal and Québec, Canada as it is within 5 hours driving distance from there. The rock type is schist, rough and sticky texture (to me) and there are plenty of holds, flakes, knobs and ledges to shake out your pumped arms or relax your feet and most of them are well protected. We used Mountain Project to find routes and worked on mainly 5.8- 5.9 projects. I would like to be a 5.10 lead climber someday…


For base camp, we stayed at Mountain Pines Campground only 5-7 minutes away from the climbing spot. It is $10 per person per night with hot shower, free wifi (near the reception area) and access to the river where you can swim or dip your tired feet. This place is nothing special but quiet and comfortable and we liked it a lot. We stayed there more than a week and this was our record to sleep in a tent for 8 nights. We slept pretty well :). While we were staying there we made a day trip to Portland, Maine to get fresh lobsters. Mr. R has been dreaming about cooking them in his Dutch oven! It was a very very special treat to me. Yum!

ベースキャンプは一泊一人10ドルのMountain Pines Campgroundというキャンプ場を見つけ、とりあえず3泊予約をしたけれど、このキャンプサイト、設備は最低限だけれどとにかく居心地がよく、終わってみれば8泊も滞在していた。こんなに長い間テントで寝たのは初めて。そして毎日快眠だった。天気があまりよくなかったから、雨の日を利用してメイン州の海沿いの魚屋まで伊勢海老(名産)を買いに行き、この旅の小道具として持ってきたダッチオーブンで蒸し焼きにして美味しくいただきました!

The routes and summary of this cross-country trip is here. この旅のまとめはこちら

Visited on 7/13 to 7/23/2016

7 thoughts on “Rock Climbing in Rumney, New Hampshire

    • Wow! we really liked this camp spot! It is close to the water and shower facilities yet quiet! I live near Yosemite National Park but I’ve never seen bear here or the park. Hope you will see some friendly bears in Rumney on your next visit!

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